
Punch Drunk

After the DDR post I felt compelled to do a post in honor of the new Grand Theft Auto. Whenever I think of GTA I think of the summer that I was pregnant with Olivia. Chad and I lived in a second floor apartment with no air conditioning and it was the hottest summer in years. My brother came to visit, as was his custom, so that i could spoil him for a week before what was his fifteenth birthday. Well, I hadn't quite told my family about the pregnancy yet, and because I had no morning sickness or anything I thought it would be a breeze to keep from a fifteen year-old boy. Halfway through the week I started puking my guts out. SO my poor brother is stuck in a broiling hot apartment away from his friends with a constantly puking sister.

So we rented GTA, and did nothing but sit on the couch for like four straight days. Towards the end of the week we are stopped at a red light where he is looking out the window at a man on a bike holding up the cross traffic and he turns to me and says, " Bea, do you ever wish you could just walk up to someone and punch them in the face like you can in Grand Theft Auto?" At the time, feeling grossly sick with parental responsibility I felt compelled to remind him of the moral vacuum that was GTA. Until the light turned green and the biker was still holding up traffic and I told him that an exception could be made for complete f@#$ing idiots.

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