
False Advertising

Chad has asked me not to publish these photos because he believes that if I do no one will believe me that what you are looking at are pictures of a horrible beast. I would like to take this opportunity to assert for the last several weeks she has been very ill behaved and the hair bow may actually be covering horns. Also, she bites.

However, I have also been forbidden to insinuate that we may have turned a corner this week because my husband believes that doing so may curse us. So I will just thank Annie and Jimmy for photographed couture and let them know that she was the best-dressed kid at the Madison Zoo today.

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Anonymous said...

I found "The World is Flat" to be boring and I stopped reading it.

The Aussie should have been kicked off this week for licking the utensil and putting in back in the food.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and your daughter is cute, too, or whatever.

Liz Allman said...

Yeah, seriously? I can grill a sausage that I bought at the Whole Foods. At least the guy who was voted off tried.