
Early bird

So I got up at 6:45 today and ran for the first time this season. i have been procrastinating it because it is still freaking cold here, 26 degrees this morning, and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. However, I must have been experiencing runner's amnesia because it is no colder than I remember it being when I was running in late November. SO I got 25 minutes to actually have peace and quiet, I remembered what having a complete thought that was uninterrupted by "Mooommy, I want it NOW!!!!" was like.

However, the bitterness of the fact that tomorrow is going to be twice as warm as today and it is Chad's day to run has not yet subsided.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I'm on long, boring conference calls, I look to your blog for entertainment. Today, it brought no refuge. Where are you?