
Proceed with caution

The following post contains a tasteful reference to my annual exam with includes a pap smear. It is a hilarious story, but if the thought of me getting a pap smear is just too much to handle, then page away.

So one of the realities of having no childcare during the day is that you take your child with you to the doctor. She and I booked our annual exams together, which I was a little uncomfortable with, but I thought, well she knows what I look like naked, what's the difference? The difference is a forty pound pre schooler sitting on your stomach, looking over our knees saying, "That's interesting, what does that do?" Totally detached, deadpan. Then having your physician laughing so hard that she falls off her stool.

1 comment:

Cate said...


You are a brave, brave woman!

BTW- I am still laughing.