
Pizzeria Uno, Seriously?

Okay, first of all you are filming in Chicago-you can't find a better pizza place to showcase than Pizzeria Uno? Then, when there are 16 contestants, two of them should not be romantically involved. That's just not right. And where was Tom Colicchio? The best part of Top Chef is Tom Colicchio telling the viewing audience where a dish is going to go wrong before it does. Seriously, if this disappoints like Project Runway choosing a twelve year-old who apparently feels like the best way to showcase a woman's beauty is by completely obscuring her face with silk chiffon I declaring Bravo dead to me. You just ask the Oshkosh B'Gosh people what that feels like.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Janice's comment when she heard this news: "What, no 'sniff and sneer' from the Dickio?" Seriously, Bravo is going to break our hearts too. BOOOOOO