
Coming Out Of The Deep Freeze

SO my blogging has been lackluster this week because we have hit that point of winter that every Midwesterner dreads-the deep freeze. This is the point in winter where the temps drop so low that everything seems to go haywire. Your doors freeze shut, your garage door no longer opens and closes, the handle for your hot water in your shower falls off, and you are constantly checking on your furnace and hot water heater praying that it does not go the way of some of your neighbors. I have worked hard not to complain, after all, these are the winters I remember from my youth. I have always known that these recent warmer temps were the aberration, but then the wireless network went down and the house descended into chaos.

So as soon as we get this cleared up I'll be back on-line with pictures. Until then, I am not so loyal to my blogging that I will sit in my freezing cold basement where the land line is. My only comfort is that it is supposed to warm up tomorrow and the endless snow will be replaced, by rain.

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