

CAn you have mono if you have no other symptoms than being completely exhausted? Both Olivia and I have this bug where we are both just completely exhausted, like right now I know I have to walk up my basement stairs, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I blamed it on all manner of things last week but when Olivia was asking to be put down for naps this weekend I knew she had it too.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you are pregnant and Olivia has sympathy symptoms?

Sean said...

Maybe you're pregnant and Olivia has mono...

Anonymous said...

Maybe you're drunk, and Olivia is, too.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is possible. Mono and several other illness have a wide variety of vague symptoms. As usual, the best thing is to check with your doctor.

Note also that you could be suffering from an environmental problem such as carbon monoxide poisoning. This happens often in houses that have been closed up in the winter.

Liz Allman said...

Thanks for your helpful suggestions everyone. while being drunk and pregnant are excellent possibilities, especially when listed in conjunction with each other, i went with Jim's suggestion and hooked up our carbon monoxide detector. No joy (thank goodness). I am going to call the doctor tomorrow and see what's going around and maybe get some bloodwork done.