
Bragging rights

I rarely assert my bragging rights as a mother because I think that just invites things like temper tantrums in the middle of restaurants, but today I have to brag a little. Olivia is currently obsessed with being able to write her own name, I have no idea where this comes from because I have not really been emphsizing writing. Anyway, she made a perfect v today, which is not what I am bragging about.

After she made the perfect v (which she made at the writing station the librarian set up for her at our library, oh yeah, we are there that much) she had to show the librarian, of course, then she wanted to call Daddy, naturally. What did she want to do next? Put the scrap of paper in an envelope and mail it to her Papa! She was so hot and cold to Jim while he was here I was curious to see how she would react to him going back home. She was REALLY proud of that V, Papa, so I hope you understand that you are being mailed Olivia's eqivilant to the Magna Carta.

My kid is a good egg who loves her family. Brag concluded.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And we--her family--love her. She is a good little kid. Hmmmm, am I tempting the tantrum gods????
Congrats on the v, Miss O. Can't wait to see you write.