
Ode To Sarah

My friend Sarah loves the fact that I keep an extensive filing system of things I clip from magazines with the hope of someday acquiring or doing said clipping. I think it might be a little sad considering I rarely, if ever purchase or do anything in the files, but I occasionally take them out and look at them. I had some stuff to file yesterday so I pulled some stuff to highlight in my continuing series of "What I Am Loving Now".

I have to start this by saying that I am sorry that this is mostly going to be a series of links, not pictures. It is getting harder and harder to find pictures of items that people will let you post on your site, or I don't understand how to steal the images properly, take your pick. Here it is:

What I Am Loving Now
Games: Games are on my mind now with our bash approaching where we ususally play them. Also, it is never too early to think about New Year's Eve game playing. Kill Doctor Lucky is looking very promising. An adult version of Clue, instead of finding the killer you (and all the other players) are attempting to be the killer. I did a version of this last Thanksgiving, but I had no idea that there was a whole web site devoted to it. Table Topics just throws questions out there for the table. Hint to all guests: What is the most memorable meal you have ever eaten better include me in the answer.

Videos: Film Movement would be one of those things that I love if ever could committ the time to watching them. Netflix was a diaster of movies just sitting and sitting. We have great indie theatres in Madison, but even we are not getting the Jury Winner from the Moscow Film Festival. The next one I even went so far as to actually get from the library, and it kicked my ass. You want a workout? Try the New York City Ballet workout DVD. It has a really flexible format, which is good for beginners.

Housewares: With Thanksgiving coming up I think a lot about my kitchen and since I pull recipes from everywhere with all permutations of serving sizes a kitchen calculator would be really handy. I have had my eye on this one for awhile. Setting the table has also become an elaborate undertaking, but these placemats match my kitchen and are very helpful at making table setting easy.

Girl stuff: Boys can fast forward through this section because unless you are kissing your picture of the new Calvin Klein Flight Bag like I am every night you are just not going to be interested. I am not a huge girlie girl, but I do love bags. Bags and dark nail polish (I did the fabulous blacks last year), this year OPI has heard my call and made the Russian collection. I will be showing in Florida this year with either Russian Navy or Suzi Says Da!. This dress would look great with those colors and I would look totally hot in it for the nine million holiday parties this year. Unfortunately, I cannot find it anywhere!!!

Smart tips: Do you know what you are doing when it comes to your 401k? Shut up, no you don't. So go here or here to figure it out. Also, did you know that all of your cooking oils should be in your fridge? I didn't. They will go rancid if left in the warm too long.

So there it is. Tell me what you are loving now, keep the economy afloat.

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