
I'm that guy

So you know how when you drive past a jogger in the rain you think to yourself, "Flippin' idiot, it's raining, stay home." Well today, I was that flippin' idiot. it was my day to run and it was the first day since we started running that my turn landed on a raining and cold day. i rolled over to my spouse, who was super and the number one reason i got out of bed today and said, "it's cold and raining and that makes me crabby." He replied with a totally non-judgemental since he has been in the rain a few times, "I love you, you can do it!" What do you say to that? You drag your sorry ass out of bed.

Number two reason I actually did it? Good planning. A few weeks back I anticipated this day and bought a nice moisture repellent long-sleeved shirt that kept me warm and dry, yeah! it turned out that the bad mood was a great motivator; I ran farther and faster than ever before. I also did it with a smile on my face. So it is not so bad to be that guy, I'm now on my way to buy some cold weather gear, for future motivation.


Anonymous said...

Now i feel fat and lazy :(

Anonymous said...

Not only are you "that guy", but you're "that guy" with a weird-ass grin on your face while doing it. C-R-A-Z-Y.

I'm back, baby! I posted to my blog today for the first time since March! I want to be back in the good graces of Lake Affected!