
Yummy dialog

So Chad is on a health kick. By health kick I mean he convinced me to throw away all the cookies and we have started working out everyday. I will reserve my cynicism for how long it will last and how many of these we have been through because we are in the honeymoon period. however, i will offer you a frightening look into the mind of someone obviously addicted to food.

So monday on the way home from the grocery store this is what is going through my mind (at least I wasn't saying it out loud).

"God, that mac and cheese sounded so good."
"When was the last time Kraft mac and cheese was good? When you were six?"
"But I am so hungry and it just sounds filling and satisfying. I'll put peas in it and it will be sort of healthy. Plus it's fast i only have twenty minutes to eat."
"What part of eating healthier is eluding you right now?"
"Back the F@#$ off, I haven't had a cookie in a week!"
"Oh my God, I am talking to myself in my head. i am having a dialog in my own mind. Oh this is blogworthy."
"At least eat the granola bar in your purse."


angieoh! said...

heh heh heh. The trick to awesome mac and cheese is to warm it up the second day. Much better that way. And put hot dogs in it.

I know. sounds gross. but seriously yummy.

Maybe chad is on a health kick because you posted about sex scenese in cinema yesterday??? coincidence? I think not.

Barb said...

Urgh. Brad is on the health kick, too. It's making me crazy. Luckily, he's more into the fitness than the healthy eating!

And I don't know what Angie is talking about. . . there is nothing more disgusting than day-old Mac-and-Cheese. YUCK!

Anonymous said...

Actually, Ang, I'm on a health kick because I sat next to your ridiculously fit husband at the pizza parlor a few weekends ago. That, and it's cheaper to start running than pay for alterations on my suits.

Anonymous said...

Ugg! Running? Seriously? You couldn't jump rope or using a rowing machine or have your stomach stapled? You chose running as the way to lose weight. You are a glutany for pain.

angieoh! said...

Poor Chad. Don't worry. This baby is all part of my plan to fatten Mike up. :)