
Hello, I'm Your Mother And I will Be Your Cruise Director Today

So this week is one of those weeks where I have Olivia programmed from the minute she wakes up to the minute she goes to bed. In my defense, the kid has so much energy if I don't channel it constructively I am left with a child jumping up and down continuously screaming the happy birthday song at the top of her lungs. However, by about Wednesday you do start to fell like a cruise director. So I wonder if this is like every bride thinks she can be a wedding planner, every mother thinks she could be an activities director? Note Olivia's flamenco dancing, she even has the skirt hitch down (up?). It was a little unnerving to watch actually. Not only her ridiculously spot-on rhythm, but how far is it from flamenco to stripper, really? i just kept thinking, "Oh my God, i am watching a scene from the director's cut of Showgirls!" She's a dancer, not a stripper!
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