
A Good Laugh For Today

So I am pulling out of the Target parking lot today and I ntice everyone staring at me. So i do that quick check that we all do when we notice more than one person looking.

1) Is my hair sticking up/Do i have food on my face?
2) Is there something wrong with my car?
3) Am I driving too fast? I am in a hurry to pick up books at the library.

After i answered no to these questions i took a look at myself from the perspective of everyone else in the parking lot. They saw a mousy little momma with her big mom bag and khaki shorts carrying her Target bags and her Starbucks get into her station wagon with a car seat and heard her turn on her car. All the sudden there is Kanye West with the bass turned up and the woman who is driving (you know I was car rocking) appears to know all the lyrics. Apparently, the other soccer moms are not quite as used to the word nigger in their musical selections as I am.

The best part? Getting hooted at by some black guys-in a minivan. People with dorky cars of the world unite.


angieoh! said...

bwhahahahahahahahahhaha I can just see it now.

Too cute.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...a mom out shopping...a bunch of black guys in a van...isn't there a pornsite like that? LOL!!

Love the let's get you a sub for the Focus wagon. Then, you'll really be rockin'!!