
Take that red meat

I weighed myself today and i have lost seven pounds since i gave up red meat. I was listening to a program the other day where the host asserted that if people talked about how much debt they were in fewer people would be in debt because there would be less guilt involved and we wouldn't feel compelled to keep up with the Joneses.

For a woman at least, weight is a very similar topic. People will always tell you if they are losing or gaining, but no one ever says their weight until they lost 90 pounds on a Jenny Craig commercial. So here it is folks: I am 5 feet seven inches, I weigh 175 pounds, i wear a size 14 and will be thirty years old in three weeks.

I feel lighter already.


angieoh! said...

quick takes -
I feel about the giving up of red meat the way I feel about Mike's triatholon... ARE YOU NUTS? :) just teasing.... good for you. I would never be able to do it!

YOU ARE GORGEOUS. I think you look about 24 years old (never 30) and you get more beautiful the longer I know you.

Liz Allman said...

if Mike actually does the triatholon, I will do the next one with him. If he can do it, I can, go Becks!

angieoh! said...

Well his big triatholon is June 10. He is going to do it... he even bought a unitard.

Barb said...

Um. I was thinking I might confess my weight and height, too. But, I just can't bring myself to type anything besides my height.

I'm 5 feet 2 inches. The rest I still can't bear to talk about.