
Why reading is bad for you

I decided to do this post because it relates to both my brother-in-law's blog and Angie's blog today. As you may have noticed, I was reading a book called The Devil's Picnic last week and I regret it immensely now. The book was basically about foods and other substances that are banned in certain countries and why. However, because it is not the most well-written book ever it goes off on a lot of related tangents. One of these tangents was about all the hormones and additives that are placed in beef in the United States.

The night I finished the book, we had steak and I don't know if it was mental, or something in the meal was just too rich (like the homemade pound cake), but I was ill, ill, ill. I tried to break it gently to Chad the other day that I don't think that after reading about this, and other things that I could really stomach red meat anymore. He was not digging that at all. I also cut out caffeine and most of my refined sugars this week. The first few days were terrible, which was very surprising to me because I don't consume a huge amount of caffeine to begin with. I have never had a headache like that, though. Which convinced me I was doing the right thing, and my husband that he was never kicking the habit. So I am not saying that I won't have a cup of coffee ever again, but I will strive for decaf because right now I am feeling terrific.

SO keep with your running Sean!!! Angie, don't read Kitchen Confidential because it is one thing to give up red meat, but quite another to never eat in a restaurant again.


Lynn said...

I managed to kick the caffiene habit when I got pneumonia. I was so sick for a couple weeks, I didn't even notice the headache! Although, can't say I recommend it as a means of beating the habit.

Anonymous said...

I'm almost to the point of cutting out red meat as well...which is sad knowing our mother was raised on a cattle ranch.

But especially on days I run, if I ate a cow that day my running is slower and I feel sick...what a yucky feeling.

I'm already caffine free.

angieoh! said...

Well, at least Kitchen Confidential was a more realistic suggestion for road trip listening than The Bible. Wow.

Thanks for the warning though!