
Monday Blahs

I am suffering from a serious case of the Monday blahs. Every couple of months I do what I am sure every mother from the beginning of time has done, I think to myself, "I cannot unload that dishwasher, not even one more time." From there it spirals into my disdain for the inevitable monotony of life with a small child. Routine is so important for them, and usually me too. Some days though, you just want something to really change. Most days it is easy to strip down to undies and paint with our feet, or pull out everything in the pantry and smell it, but some days you just need to be blah.

Probably just coming down off the high of a great weekend, with great pictures that I will post during naptime.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I'll trade you! Outlining Corporations, Remedies and Regulated Industries, might be a nice change of pace! I'll come paint with my feet for a bit. Hang in there, Monday's almost over.