
I'll tell you what's WACK

I typically don't post art history stuff because it is one of those obscure things that no body wants to talk about at a party. On the rare occasion that someone does ask me what my major in college was, and I tell them it is an immediate conversation halter. On occasion, I do get the snarky, "And what did you do with that?" comment. That's when the inner dialog comes in handy because the response in my head is always, "I a got a F@#$ing job just like you did, you moron." But see, the I in me moderates that comment. Handy.

So I decided to include this one only because I thought it might be interest to those in the blogosphere. It is the web site of LA MOCA's new exhibit, but when you get there all it is, is a blog. Wow, that was awkward to type. Here is my question, why does no one recognize that the blog is not an appropriate forum for everything? I just want to know who is in the damn exhibit. Some link to news articles reviewing the exhibit maybe? Not Jill Schmill's (it's a feminist art exhibit there are no men) opinion on the forum they held last week. You want to create a dialog, that's fine, you're a feminist you are nothing but the dialog, but do it as a link to the freaking exhibit site. Let the rest of us who don't buy into your insipid diatribe, yet are forced to acknowledge your important place in the canon, be.

If you force people into the dialog, all you are going to get is the unchecked I and it is not pretty.

1 comment:

angieoh! said...

insipid. You are a girl after my own heart.