
Small World

So, just out of curiosity, I clicked the "next blog" button so see who was next to me in the blogosphere and it was a medical journal in a completely different alphabet. Arabic, Russian, couldn't tell you? It was cool, though, the next one is all in Italian. I think of blogging as a total narcissistic indulgence and therefore, uniquely American. Good to know that the whole world has obnoxious tendencies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "next blog" button takes you randomly to another blog. It doesn't always work perfectly as I have had it display the same blog several button pushes later. That being said, there are many millions of blogs in all the languages of the world. Some have great pictures, even when the text is in a language you can't read. It can be an interesting way to get small slices of life around the worlds. Interestingly, all those other people are just like us, just trying to find a little love and happiness while trying to pay the bills.