
Snowing Come Lately

I have to admit that I spend all winter hating snow, especially this winter because we didn't get a ton and the snow that did come, came when it was so cold we really couldn't get out and enjoy it. So I find it ironic that I have really been treasuring our spring snows. The last one I was the one who volunteered to make snow angels with all the neighborhood kids and today's snow was just a welcome excuse to have one last days to stay in and snuggle, cook comfort foods and get our house together for the coming busy Spring weeks.

Good-bye winter, it is bittersweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby Girl why are you saying good-bye to winter? Its the Midwest---another good storm could be just around the corner.
And I have proof---you and Ali in winter coats, hats, tights,etc on the way to Easter brunch. Spring doesn't truly arrive until June silly girl.