
Why I Am A Lazy Bastard

So the activity today was go to a Christmas concert. We are really fortunate in Madison to have a ton of free or cheap concerts going at pretty much all times. So when I started reading the list of today's concerts I knew before I even finished what we would be seeing. Olivia's all time greatest obsession, The Trinity Irish Dancers. I have seen these kids perform I don't know how many times and every time I do the inevitable conversation comes up that makes me a lazy bastard. Olivia has been begging to join the troop for about a year now, but I don't have the heart to tell her that it is a cult. A wig-wearing, high kicking cult. A cult that would require me to spends hundreds of dollars, give up my Tuesday evenings and most of my Saturdays to watching her wear a tacky costume and jumping up and down and I just can't do it. This is my parenting line in the sand, no Irish dancing.

Chad is giving it six months before I cave.


Anonymous said...

According to the Trinity Irish Dancers web site, Olivia can get the first class for FREE. They even have classes for kids as young as four. I can't understand your reluctance to let your child become an Irish dancer. Her Grandmother took Irish dance classes when she was young and loved to watch (we traveled to Boston to see the Original RiverDance company perform). Her Grandmother would be so proud of Olivia learning Irish Dance.

(Did I pile enough guilt on?)

Gentle readers, I am picking on my DIL - I actually concur with her decision even if her wee one doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Just don't cave. No good can come from Irish dancing...

Liz Allman said...

Oh sure the first one is free. The subsequent ones are like $400 or something crazy. Did I mention that the studio is nearly 40 minutes away from our house? We have winter here.

Anonymous said...

Well we know already that Miss O loves wearing a wig(stay tuned for the video). And as far as tacky outfits--please refer to the outfit in the gingerbread house photo. And what are you doing on Tuesday evenings? Now the long drive in the snow--I can sympathize with you on that one.
Chad may be generous with 6 months. Erin go bragh, O!

Anonymous said...

Ok---you know how to go straight to my heart. That quote--how cute.