
Stark Realism

We are getting to the end of the kitchen project, well close enough to the end that i can submit tightly cropped picture that disguise other, more disastrous parts of the kitchen. Obviously we have not hit that accessories finishing part of the project, but you at least get the general idea. These shots are of the open shelving and a close up of the cork floor. I am a little skeptical about the space between the shelves, but I am going to switch some stuff around and get taller pieces on that bottom shelf first to see if it makes a difference. Love the floor, can't say enough great things about it. The counter tops were where I really had to eat crow. I hated Corian and thought it was a waste of money, but they are so low maintenance and easy to clean. I was petrified of white, but the pattern really ties in the floor and keeps every crumb from showing up.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks absolutely great. Congratulations. And I love the glasses too. Thanks for posting the pics.