
I Don't Wear Lipstick

I know it has been awhile, but you know I had to sit and stew about this Sarah Palin business. Bitch does not cover it people. Now, you know that I cannot stand it when women who are opinionated, or do not take crap off of people are called bitches. However, after spending the week defending Palin to my friends, spouse, and family, and rightfully I might add, predicting the bounce that she was going to give to the convention I appalled to see the bitch card get played. Why am I appalled that she used it? i understand that it is customary for the vice presidential candidate to be the nasty business, I am just not accustomed to them using it in the same speech where she describes herself as a proud hockey mom and is waving to her small children while she does it.

I guess hockey moms are different here in Madison, but I would have respected her a hell of a lot more if she said I don't need to have been in office a long time to know what the people of this country need and want. I represent a very underrepresented part of the populous and they think I am doing a great job. i am good mother and a good citizen and I am going to work hard. i thought the part of her speech where she talked about oil companies and oil dependence was very intelligent and articulate. Then she just blew it by getting nasty, and I thought, pretty personal with her attacks. I never want to model that kind of behavior to my kids and she just lost her support from a lot of moms like me that could have been swayed.

Especially since John McCain's speech was so sweet I just wanted to give him a little hard candy and tell him he was the best grandpa ever before I wheeled him back into his room at the home. i think he is playing it very smart and his ad at the Dems convention was classy. Obama needs to pull off classy for me at this point.


angieoh! said...

Can you do me a favor and warn me of political messages? i might need to take a time out for a few months. :)

Liz Allman said...

Sorry Ang, I thought all the previous posts about the Democrats were fair warning!