
Spring Fever?

For the past couple of weeks I have not slept a full night's sleep. I am used to having shorted myself sleep because it usually takes me forever to fall asleep, but now I am waking up in the middle of the night and lying awake for hours and it is killing me. I have virtually no short term memory, zero creativity and zero patience and the last few days I have been breaking down and napping in the afternoons which means i also have no free time to get anything done.

The good news that everyone else seems to be having the same problem. Most of my mom blogs have been complaining of out-of-town husbands, grating children, and no sleep. Is anyone else not sleeping? I know some people have problems with the increased amount of daylight, but I just seem to be stuck in a bad rut that even over-the-counter medications have not been able to alter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh not sleeping, yeah! Did I mention nursing 1-2 times a night? Actually my biggest complaint is that my darling son wasn't a good napper today. Another growth spurt perhaps, but really how big is he going to be at his 2 month appointment?