
Quick list of the reasons I am still not calling you back

1) We had to take the cat back yesterday. It was horrible, and the short version of the story ends with me screaming crying begging Chad not to take the cat back after I had spent the morning bitching about cleaning poop out of three different places.

2) The WI film festival was this weekend and we cashed in every babysitting favor we were owed to get there.

3) We put in our garden.

4) After finally coming out of the fog that was the first four days of Celexa I am now feeling more capable of dealing with Olivia's meltdown outbursts which have included "I hate you and I want a new family'" "You don't know anything and nobody listens to what you say," and finally "You need a new car this one is too old."

So with Chad home nearly every evening this week, things are looking up. I just might call you back.


Anonymous said...

wow and i thought i was busy...i think forget the cat, just get pregnant!

Anonymous said...

You don't have to call me back. I hate talking on the phone.

Anonymous said...

What aliens have kidnapped my adorable Miss O and replaced her with the child mentioned in Point #4? Perhaps that one should skip a few lessons/activities and spend some time in Nanny 911's Naughty Chair. Or she could come stay with me(subtle hint/plea??)or then again--is your car too old?