
What I added

So now that Olivia is officially two years out from kindergarten I have decided it is time to expand on the basic fundamentals. Olivia is a curious child and instead of dealing with all her questions on the fly I spent the summer building a basic curriculum and I have been waiting until we were home for a few weeks in a row to implement it. I actually did tentative start last week, but it has actually made it onto the family board this week. So far it is going really well and we are having a lot of fun together.

Before you get all, "I'm ruining her childhood" on me, it is very low key, mostly games and I generally have a theme like "Farm Day" or "Water Play", there is even a series of super-fun mess days (slime IS fun). So, because I know that some of my readers are also fellow parents of young children so I added a side bar "What We're Learning" so that they could see what we are up to and if it sounds like something their kid might like I can let them know how it went and what I would do differently. Why shouldn't someone learn from my mistakes?

1 comment:

JoEllyn said...

I think this is a WONDERFUL idea!!!! I'm not a mom but I work with kids and their parents and I love that idea!!