
It's my week

I have too much going on to post, but I am anyway, what a surprise. I do want to give a recap of Nickel Creek later because it was so fun, but right now I need to address the Fancy Simple challenge for this week. It is connections (presumably between people) and since this is the week that we cook dinner for pretty much everyone we know i am going to kick that challenge's ass this week! They are going to give me two prizes because in the course of the next week I have a meaningful connection with pretty much everyone.

Here's your quote Fancy Simple "This week I am going to be so connected you are going to name that F&#$ing prize after me. Connect that!"


angieoh! said...


connect this:

NO F*(&%$(#*&$ way.

Barb said...

Not quite sure if the original post or Angie's response is funnier. . .

Liz Allman said...

Since it's my blog, let's go with my post.

angieoh! said...

No way. My response is much more hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Liz: It's the journey, not the goal. Geez...connect this!

Liz Allman said...

No, Brad it is the lip gloss. I am convinced that is what they are giving away.

Anonymous said...

of course, you still haven't called - where's my connection?