
What I Did On My Attorney Retreat

Hung over is more like it. Chad's work retreat is with a bunch of lawyers. I don't know how many of my readers have experience with dealing with large groups of attorneys, but they like to drink. A lot. AA was invented for these people. It was like Friday in college, the drinking started before lunch and didn't stop ever. I have never been a real big drinker, but I let it go a little this weekend because if you didn't it was you in a cabin with no heat in freezing temperatures and a bunch of drunk people.

So if I had taken photos it would show me running down a dark path at 2 AM holding a bottle of Absolut Citron so that I could go mix it with Sprite, possibly the vile cocktail I have tasted. Scratch that, somebody handed me something with grapefruit vodka that was worse.

Oh, and I found out that I am allergic to tuna, and I learned it the hard way. We also had a nice hike.

The End


Anonymous said... attorneys ever like to drink. And then some! I took Mike to my law school formal each and every year, and the story was the same - drunk attorney-wannabes behaving badly. You think Girls/Guys Gone Wild is bad? Doesn't hold a candle to lawyers. Let's just say zebra print, tan lines and cocaine. It's like a Duran Duran video, but without the kooky 80s synth. Luckily I'm stable and alcohol makes me very, very sleepy.

angieoh! said...

Grapefruit vodka is super gross. I agree.

Lynn said...

Lawyers even get their own AA group - "The Other Bar." And the California Bar requires attorneys to take CLE classes on substance abuse. Doesn't really seem to have curbed the problem, if my brief membership in the legal profession is any indication... Okay, yes, and I probably contribute to it. (Did I mention the first time I ever had beer from a keg and played "flip-cup" was in law school?)