
Happy Birthday, Baby!

So today you get another birthday post for someone else that is pretty incredible, my BFF Chad. i couldn't decide whether to go sappy or funny for this one so I guess I will have to split the difference. Chad and I met when i was nineteen and I knew then that he was the love of my life and everyone has heard the story about I spent the next year convincing him that I was right. Whenever i wonder why i haven't ever won on a scratch off, why I never get picked in drawings or why I never get to say, "BINGO!" I convince myself that I got very, very lucky one day when I was nineteen and not ready to know what true love was, so God spelled it out for me in the form of my husband.

Who is not just smart, but really brilliant, who is a very dry funny that I appreciate more than any other humor because I think is smarter and more rare, who is generous beyond any kind of logic, even-tempered and happy go-lucky, affectionate, unafraid to wear his passions on his sleeve (and a pink shirt to a Mormon graduation) always tells me he loves me before he hangs up the phone (even at work and when leaving messages), he is stubborn (even in some good ways). More than all this, I love my husband because I know all his thoughts before he has them and I know he gets up everyday and thinks about nothing other than making a better life for his family. That is a man, and the sum total of all my good luck for a lifetime. The kid is just a bonus because she is all the good parts of him. So, babe, I love you more than anything and I'm glad that you were born.


Anonymous said...

Best birthday gift a guy could ask for. I love you!

angieoh! said...

Happy happy birthday Chad! I agree, you are pretty fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday,Chad. You are everything wonderful that Elizabeth said you are. And BC your blog made me cry. So happy you two have each other---and the precious divine Miss O. Can't wait for your visit.
Love to all of you, annie