
They're baaaack

I love living in a university town. We get all the benefits of the university, like cool movies and bands, an educated populous of professors and graduate students and lots of opportunities for mini classes and extension courses. Unfortunately, we also get the undergrads.

Anyone who knows me, knows I hate the undergrads. They are shiftless, filthy, destructive, irresponsible drains on the city resources. They show a constant disregard for the people and property around them and act like they are entitled to behave however they wish because the surrounding city and it's services like Parks and Rec and the police are there to serve only them. Several times of year including Halloween and a spring block party they throw enormous parties that require an enormous police presence that costs taxpayers a ton of money in police overtime. I know that I did not behave like this as a college student and I hope to God that Olivia doesn't ever think that she can.

So the blissful summer months when the students are mostly gone are over and they have moved back in and left probably hundreds of tons of landfill waste in their tracks. Chad claims that I sound like a Republican when I talk about the students, the dirty hippies on State Street and their bad music, and Puerto Rico. I don't care, I wouldn't put my own kid over my knee, but these kids would get it in a second.


angieoh! said...

repeat after me.... REPUBLICAN is not a dirty word.


Anonymous said...

I behaved like that as a college student.

Anonymous said...

I have to say I agree with Chad on this. Keep in mind that you are talking about maybe 1% of the population. The other 40,000 students contribute positively to Madison. How can I not defend my alma mater?