
Going back to school

I have decided that on those commercials for correspondence courses where you can learn to be a paralegal, vet tech, dental assistant they need to add meteorologist to the list. When i woke up this morning to what the weatherman told me last night was supposed to be a sunny sky, i heard only thunder. So I toddle down to my computer to find out where this storm is coming from and how long it will last, the weather channel tells me that I am experiencing sunny skies, fair weather all day. Apparently, the asshats at the weather channel were not looking at their satellite photo where my entire state was orange.

So, i think that since i have an obviously superior and natural ability to read a weather satellite photos that I am going to write in, get my asshat degree, and post random weather predictions on this blog right here.


Anonymous said...

I'll have you know I actually took meteorology one semester at Mizzou (it counted toward my Geography minor somehow, and I still have a hard time spelling it). Surprisingly, there was more involved than looking at radar pictures. Unsurprisingly, I don't remember what the "more" was.

Liz Allman said...

Surprisingly, I also remember you taking meteorology one semester. Unsurprisingly, I remember it because it was concluded with a shrill screaming fest when i found out that you hadn't opened the textbook all semester.