
Fake it til you make it

Chad has a few extra mommies to throw around since every mother who meets him wants to adopt him. So his best friend's mother is here this weekend, Chad calls her his fake mother. She is here, supposedly, to visit her number one grandchild, but now that number two has arrived well, we won't go there. The point is Cecily could make a good time out of a cardboard box so the fact that it has done nothing but rain (what is it about mother's visits and rain?) has not deterred her at all. Nor has the fact that we are obviously at the point of vacation fatigue after two weeks of Jim and then another week with our parents two weeks ago.

So God bless Cecily, the happiesst camper that ever was. Who will fake it until we drop the fake monniker and I am convinced that she was my mother all along.

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