
A little gem

A little known fact about me is that my first college major was Photo-Journalism. i still love to take photos, but when I want to take good photos I really need to have time to concentrate and you can guess where all of that went. So i found this site today that i really love because we live right near our airport, which is something that I thought would be then end of my sanity and property values. It hasn't simply because Chad and Olivia both love everything airplanes and flying so sometimes we just sit and watch.

I could get really deep and blog about the serenity of witnesssing perpetual motion while standing still, but I have to pee and the kid is asleep and the husband is gone and I'd much rather be tackling the mountain of books.

So, to sum up, add this to the list of things I will purchase when I start winning (and playing) the lottery.

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