
Farm Day

So every year a local farm opens itself up for tours and breakfast and we thought that we were just going to drive out, eat breakfast and let Olivia pet some cows. oh, no. I literally could have put up ten more pictures. olivia driving the combine, Olivia dancing with the bluegrass band, Olivia measuring herself against tractor, and on and on. We had the best breakfast ever, and then continued to eat all of the local dairies new products, marscapone cheese, seaberry yogurt, ice cream, until we wanted to puke. The best kind of puke though, the puke of eating strawberry ice cream sundaes at 10:15 in the morning. Yum.

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angieoh! said...

I am so freaking proud that Olivia is a true Wisconsin gal (despite her California dad and Illinois mom). She is up on the tractor, playing with the cows and piggy out on the dairy goods.

This made my day. I might have to frame that picture of her on the tractor!

Anonymous said...

First of all, I'd like to confirm that I have the cutest niece in the whole wide world.

Second, Are we sure Olivia is Chad's child? She looks so natural on a farm, in a tractor's seat and tending to the animals. Chad...not so much.

Lynn said...

I love the one of her with the calf. OH MY GOD - too much cuteness! These are fantastic.

And, I used to love to drive south of Columbia because I thought it was really, really beautiful in Missouri. It's just a different kind of beautiful from the mountains and the ocean. That said, I'm sorry, but Kansas is not beautiful. At least, western Kansas is not beautiful. It's just NEVER ENDING.

Anonymous said...

The photo of Olivia with the calf is so cute it makes me want to curl up and die. There's nothing left worth seeing in this world.