
Do you ever have that day?

Where you just want to quit. i think the crappiest part of motherhood is that you never get to quit. No sick days is one thing, but my beautiful daughter is waging a one child war of terrorism on me and today is the day where I just can't do it even one more day. If this was a job where my boss hit, kicked, screamed at me, told me i was horrible at my job, contradicted everything I said, constantly undermined my authority and showed me no respect I would have quit weeks ago. Today the last straw was rubbing feces on newly washed sheets and freshly bathed her. And then laughing and smiling when I discovered her doing it.

She is only three, I have to do this for the rest of my life. How the hell am I going to make it?

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Oh my. I was eating dinner while reading this... you should put a disclaimer like "warning groddy kid things if you read farther." Hang in there girl. It's okay to time out for Mommy, too. That's why god invented the DVD player right? And thank goodness for the grandparent buffers.