
Rock Your World

I was listening to local radio today and they were playing what Rolling Stone Magazine has deemed the 40 songs that changed the world. So I will start the posts of the music that changed my world and expect posts to this one.

1) Oh Mickey-Toni Basil. The first song I ever heard on a record player.

2) Lucky Star-Madonna/Love is a Battlefield-Pat Benatar. These tie for my obsession at a young age for bad girls and their angsty music.

3) Thriller-Love, love, loved the king of pop. I could do every move in this video.

4) Losing My Religion-REM Not only was this my first CD, but I added the fact that Chad and I had the same favorite REM song (Country Feedback off the same album) to the reasons why I needed to marry him.

5)Karma Police-Radiohead. I lived this song and album in college and I consider it to be the definition of me as my own person with my own tastes that have not been completely absorbed by child and husband. Neither of whom cares much for Radiohead.

Okay everybody, throw out a few.


Anonymous said...

Here's my firsts:

First popular song I remember liking: Electric Avenue, by Eddy Grant. I must have been five or six. My parents got me a cheap transistor radio, and that's the first song I remember hearing. I distinctly remember an evening when I was listening to the song with a babysitter and telling her it was my favorite song.

First cassette tape - Madonna, La Isla Bonita.

First record I bought with my own money - Janet Jackson, Control

First 45 record I bought with my own money - Bon Jovi, living on a prayer.

First CD I bought - I honestly don't remember.

First time I heard Sgt. Pepper's all the way through: on break from college. I was flipping through my dad's records, and he had a Japanese copy of the record (he went there on leave from Vietnam). The record was red vinyl. I asked him if I could keep it. He said no.

So many other memories: Lestening to George Michael's "Listen without Prejudice" when the first gulf war was starting, pausing only to rush into the living room and yell at my parents for not taking the war seriously enough (13 years old - so angsty!). discovering the Eric Clapton unplugged album thanks to Tim Green. Buying the first Fiona Apple CD, before most people had heard of her, because her CD was on a "new artist" sale for 50% off. Listening the Ludacris' "Stand Up" while Liz and I were driving to the hospital to have Olivia.

Good Times

Anonymous said...

Don Cherry's "Play That Funky Music White Boy," in this strange underground club in Toronto.

"Head Like a Hole," Nine Inch Nails, western France, with JCJ.

Anything by Joy Division, especially while in Boston.

The Judybats' "Wasting Time," in a cool apartment above a dusty street in Fès, Morocco.

Anything by Greg Brown, echoing in the same apartment. I miss you, N.

"Sonny Came Home," Shawn Colvin, driving through New York's Finger Lakes.