
Feeding frenzy

There has been a lot of food talk on Angie's blog and the blog she does with her friend Barb and it got me to thinking about how bartering is a lost art in our society. I use food for a lot of things in my life, Christmas gifts, as thank yous for favors, in lieu of cash for Olivia's school events, birthday parties and of course parties. in fact, I will never be able to call myself a party planner because the only thing I plan for a party is the food. Decor, invitations, not so much.

I am currently on a bartering system with my neighbors for childcare, which is very handy. i take their son one day a week and the two of them are helping with haircuts (she is a stylist, don't worry) and her partner is very handy in putting up shelves and knocking all sorts of little things off my to-do list. It is a beautiful thing to have something other than cash change hands, it puts more value on my talents and skills than, well, money can buy.

However, it does make me a little sad that things like baking are becoming something everyone values because no one does it anymore. I am grateful that olivia loves to cook, i hope i can keep it going one more generation.

PS-Planning for Rhythm and Booms has begun people, fried chicken, home made sundae bar, my famous rum beans. Who is coming?


Cate said...

Oh gosh, if we start batering with food I may have to barter for a gym membership!

Anonymous said...


Is Rhythm and Booms tied to the baseball game, or not?

Liz Allman said...

Rhythms and Booms starts after the game. Having tickets to the game, just guarantees you a seat for Rhythm and Booms. Are you re-thinking the party?

Anonymous said...

No. I just thought if you were just having a celebration at your house we would come, but after a successful night last night with a 7:30 bedtime, I'm not willing to try R&B this year :(