

i know I am really behind on my blogging and i will sit down soon and catch up, but I had to let off a rant about how much I hate it when men can't accept that women aren't idiots when it comes to tools and home improvement.

I will admit that I am not particularly construction savvy, but I know what basic tools are used for and when left to my own devices I will eventually fix it. Perhaps not the most expedient way, but it will get done. To me, home improvement is all about attitiude. I believe I can do it, it may take six calls to Stephanie or my father-in-law, but in the end it's done. However, there is one area where i know my stuff and that is paint. I know color and how it is mixed, what should go with what and how to paint a room. So when the Home Depot guy gave me attitude about my paint choice for the desk Chad and i are building (that's a whole other post) I was pissed.

Note to all men everywhere, just because i have a cart with a child in it does not mean I need to be talked to like a child. He forced me to watch a moronic video about how to paint a room before he mixed my paint!!! At first he tried to dupe me into thinking that it was a special process because it is a textured paint. Seriously, the fact that it requires two coats is not a special process. Then he had the nerve to tell me "good job" for pulling the correct base off the shelf.

Hey jackhole, every customer in line with me this morning was a woman, all six of us. We can't all be morons. Maybe if you stopped spending so much time talking down to us the wait at the paint counter would be less than thirty minutes.


ang said...

As someone who does a TON of projects, I wholeheartedly agree. No moron here (at least related to construction projects)!

Anonymous said...

...which is the reason dad and I prefer to shop at Lowe's instead of Home Depot.

Liz Allman said...

For some unknown reason we here in Madison don't have that option.