
Taking out the trash

Isn't this what the news media types call all the stories that people release at, like, 4 PM on Friday? Anyway, Chad bought a new car that is already broken. It is silver and seemingly much larger, though how much of that is in our minds remains to be seen. I got food poisoning over the weekend and that sucked. We celebrated last weekend's holiness at the IKEA and bought a new table that finally folds down small enough to stay in the family room permanently. No chairs to sit at it with, c'est la vie. We bought a lot of cute stuff to hang in Olivia's play room, but I have given up ever putting the last coat of paint on there, so there you have it. Oh, and Chad worked a lot. Oh, and I have an ear infection. SO this is where blogger block comes from, too much traveling, work, the aggravation of buying and selling a car and trying to get in and out of the IKEA without killing yourself or others.

What's new with everyone else?

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