
Spring Fever

Since we couldn't take Olivia too many places this weekend we tried to find some fun things in the yard. I have a certified black thumb, but I do an excellent job of pulling weeds, and since that's all my entire wasteland of a yard is, I need a helper. So here we are pulling weeds, and mostly looking for worms. This is a perfect montage of Olivia's reaction to most things creepy crawly. Shock and fear, overwhelming curiosity and finally undying love. Since these photos were taken we have had conversations with ants, flies, Asian beetles and many, many worms.

The weather was so beautiful on Sunday that I froze my ass off in capris on Monday because I refused to admit that the warm weather was gone.


Anonymous said...

While I'm sure you already have, now would be a good time to till the soil in your back garden and get started on planting. The ground should be thawed and ready to be mixed up.

Liz Allman said...

I am tilling by hand this year because you know what a pain transporting that tiller is. For such a small area it wouldn't be worth it. I pruned my bushes last weekend and I am purchasing my plants this weekend. Yeah! The problem is this endless rain. . .