
Confessions of a car rocker

I will admit right here and now to being that person that you see singing and dancing to themselves in their car. Sometimes I use the kid as cover, but most times, it's just me. I used to be really self-conscious about it, but these days I am embracing my inner extrovert. Has anyone else ever taken those Myers-Briggs tests? Well I am exactly in the middle of introvert and extrovert. I always thought that was so weird, but I guess it is the inner dialog that keeps me there. I can't bring myself to say all the nasty things I think in my head.

Anyways, since my kid is 100% extrovert I have decided to support it by leading with extroverted example, rocking in the car, singing along in music class (I was shocked at how many parents don't) and actually doing the poses in mom and tot yoga. I looked around and I was the only one really going for it, and that made me really sad. So I am here to tell you to go for it. Do all the things that you once thought ridiculous and embarrassing, it is pretty fun. If you need a small child for cover you may borrow mine, because the look of pure excitement on her face when she sees someone else out there with her makes it all worth it.


angieoh! said...

I am right there beside you rocking out. I think one of the best things ever is singing along in the car. LOVE IT (and, he would kill me for saying this but oh well, so does Mike!)

This is going to spur me on to right a related post, come check it out!

Lynn said...

I totally agree about the closeted rocker. I miss having a car for that EXACT reason. Also, I too am exactly 50-50 introvert/extrovert. I'm 100% S, 80% T, 100% J. I think law school has brought out these qualities a bit, but whatever.

Liz Allman said...

Def Leopard, really? oooh mannn! You would love Angie, she's a friend of ours from law school, FUNNY girl. Anyway, I'm and E/I NFJ. My last Myers Briggs session was another people laughing at my lists incident. Yeah, totally a J.