
I love NOLA

Liv and I were listening to our NOLA Playground cd which is like zydeco for kids and I was thinking about how much I miss NO. I have been twice now and I can't wait to get back. I love the decay, the art, the food, and even the booze. Everyone who knows me, knows that I am NOT a drinker, but in NO I am. It brings out the romantic in me, a whole city whose life's ambition is to do nothing.

In this moment I could almost sacrifice my birthday snowboarding trip. Almost.


Anonymous said...

I will get you whatever you want for your birthday - you just let me know.

I love you!

angieoh! said...

are you seriously planning on snowboarding for your birthday? hmmmmmm. that puts you in a whole new light for me Liz!

Liz Allman said...

What light is that? The cool light, right?

Anonymous said...

Ahem. I know you, and I had no idea you were NOT a drinker. Random 40s in the afternoon (on a porch) seemed to attest to a different truth. Perhaps you've fallen off a bit, but once a drinker, always a drinker. At least that's how I figure it.

Now I'm going out to get me a Highlife 40.

Liz Allman said...

I never drank the 40's. Whole pitchers of Bacardi daquiris, perhaps. Oh God, what were we thinking?