
Back To Cool

Thanks to everyone for being patient while I took a little break from blogging this summer, but it was my last summer with the kid to myself and I wanted to enjoy it. It really flew by, but we crammed a lot in and made the most of it. Your e-mails tell me that you are all apparently desperate to know what is going on and hear about how things have changed now that the kid is off to school. The truth is that they haven't really. I am at Olivia's school volunteering at least once a week, I do Girl Scouts, Olivia was cast in Madison Ballet's The Nutcracker so that is a lot of craziness that i will get to in a another post, I have gone back to cooking which is a relief and the rest of the time is doing all the cooking, cleaning, shopping that it takes to run our household.

We are also still trying to find a good match for us in the foster care system which sometimes means taking respite placements, meeting with our social worker, etc. I have been helping out some friends and taking on small jobs for some extra cash, and like everyone else I have been watching every penny that we spend, which takes up more time than anything I think. Chad's job is going well and we are thankful for that just about every second of every day, but like most businesses they are seeing a downturn and we are trying to be extra careful in case things take a real turn for the worse.

My biggest project has been helping Olivia adjust to all day kindergarten, which has been really exhausting for her. She still comes home at least once a week in tears because she is so tired, and so we are just trying to come up with new strategies to help her make it to dinner without falling asleep in her food. She has been going through a lot of testing at school and I think once we can get over this hump it will get better.

So there is a small update to start off with and starting tomorrow the hilarious misadventures of me cursing out teachers, avoiding parents and inciting coups at the Girl Scout meetings can begin. i know, I've missed you too.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God you're back. I've missed you so---and all your snarky comments. Ahhh, once again some wit in my mundane life.

Promise you'll never leave us again.