

I wouldn't consider myself the most devout Catholic. There are a lot of things about my faith that really speak to me, and a lot of things about my church that really don't, the whole we don't like gays thing, relegating women to supporting roles, banning birth control, etc, etc. However, I am a person who can take the good with the bad so every year my husband, child and I trudge ourselves to Christmas mass. Every year I go just to hear the words of Isaiah, "They name him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace. His dominion is vast and forever peaceful."

If I am honest with myself I would have to say that I don't really believe in God. However, I do believe that the story of Jesus is probably one of the greatest stories ever told, and like all good stories, it does not need to be true to be powerful. To imagine that a whole society of people were swayed to believe through the power of mere words that a child had been born to bring peace to the world is pretty amazing. Those words are still powerful enough today that people still await a God-Hero. What is a Wonder-Counselor? Something that has to have a happy ending I think.

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