
2, 4, 6, 8 Teach Your Kids Not To Hate

Some shots from our rally. Olivia and I went together and it was a great moment for her to see people who are really affected by this and be able to to talk and listen to them. We have lots of gay friends here in Madison, but it really hit home for her to realize that it affects a lot more people than just her family and friends. Thanks to everyone that turned out and was willing to take questions from a nosy four year-old.
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Sean said...

Didn't Wisconsin uphold traditional marriage back in 2006? Why are they protesting now? Shouldn't the have protested back in 2006. Or is there a new measure coming up in Wisconsin?

Liz Allman said...

Don't worry, we protested then too. And knocked on doors, and called, held public forums and debates . . .