
A Little Off

So you know your parenting might be a little askew when the following scenario happens:

You are taking your four year-old to see one of her favorite movies that happens to be in limited theatrical release. You get to the theatre and your heart sinks thinking, oh no, all these kids are here to see our movie and we are not going to be able to get tickets. After all, the theatre is mobbed. You get in line looking at all the little girls waiting for tickets and think, wow, cool, I am glad this movie is getting so much attention; then you hear the person in front of you order her tickets. . .

What? High School Musical? WTF? Is that what all these people are here to see? I didn't even know it was out? Huh. You walk up to your theatre and see along line. Crap. Oh wait, it is the overflow line from High School Musical. You walk into the theatre to see-one other family. Parents with their 7 year-old daughter. That's when you realize. . .

You are the only asshole in the world taking your four year-old to see Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D.

It was totally awesome though.

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