
Fall fantasy

There are certain things that I can't get enough of, peas in Spring, strawberries in Summer and apples in Fall. We only have a few more weeks of Farmer's Market left where you can stand as it's apples as far as the eye can see. I have about four more days to get everything in order before the holidays start for us. Halloween is my favorite holiday, and therefore, a week long affair that includes making special treat for the neighborhood kids. This year it is all about apples, apple chips, carmel apples, and apple-pear sauce. Look for lots of posts of our goings-on next week.

After that it is only two weeks until our big Thanksgiving. Somewhere in there i am going to Vegas for four days where i am going to do nothing but sit in a tub and watch tv. I am serious there is a tv in front of the tub, it's like they made a room just for me. Now if that tv showed nothing but Law and Order and Keith Olberman you'd never see me again. I am sure room service would bring some apple butter.

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