
Choose Your Own Adventure

Where to start today? Should I start with Olivia creating an elaborate con to get me to take her to the doctor's office so she could hang and visit with the nurses? I can sum this story up in one sentence. When the nurse determined there was absolutely nothing wrong with my child and the ruse was foiled Olivia turned to the nurse and said, "Okay, then my arm hurts. Can I have an x-ray?"

Or I can talk about my full scale consumerist meltdown in the Target where I informed my child and everyone near me in line to get the most pitiful lunch that I have possibly ever eaten that I was never buying or eating anything ever again. While I did, in fact, eat dinner flashbacks of this meltdown kept me from the Starbucks today.

Both of these stories really warrant their own blogs posts, but I am much too busy converting the video of olivia living out her rock and roll fantasies with a very large drum set to elaborate.

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