
Misadventures in Home Remodeling

It's kind of like Adventures In Babysitting except I can't get my hair quite as big as Elisabeth Shue's. I'm sure that by now you all thought that the boys had murdered me and had drywalled me in, but I live to tell the tale that seems to be summing up the current remodel situation.

I am at the lighting store, I have already purchased a ceiling fan and picked out recessed lighting and I think that I will peruse to see if I can find some really unobtrusive under cabinet lighting. The saleswoman asks what I am looking for and I tell her I want something really slim. She points to something about an inch and half thick. I say slimmer, she points out that it is plenty slim enough to go under a cabinet and the following conversation takes place:

Me: Yeah we don't have cabinets, I have done open shelving.

Her: Well even if you cabinets are open there will still be a lip that will cover the light.

Me: No, no cabinets only shelves.

Her: You mean like shelves, shelves?

Me: Yes, precisely, shelves.

Her: How big are the shelves?

Me: Shelf size.

Her: Just shelves?

Me: Do you need to sit down? You look like somebody just shaved you cat.

Her: I don't think I can help you with that.

Me: Roger that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, Liz. After 4 months and 7 days without a kitchen sink, I took yesterday afternoon off to meet the countertop installers, who had been keeping our new sink in their warehouse so that they would have it for reference when making the cuts in the granite. The place is in Milwaukee, so they were supposed to bring the sink with them to the installation. I knew things weren't going well when the installer turns to me and says, "Okay, we'll need to take a look at your sink." When I responded with " should be on your truck" I got a blank look, and quickly realized that they had left the sink at the warehouse in Milwaukee. So, now I have a beautiful new countertop...and still no sink!