
There's a monster in my closet

He is currently being distracted by a tea party hosted by a teddy bear. It is disconcerting to see a child who is typically fearless become terrified of something that absolutely does not exist. Olivia started with the monster business on Tuesday. I chalked it up to her typical bedtime procrastination antics and didn't think much of it. Last night it was ramped way up, I chalked it up to overtired, Daddy being gone 5 of the last nine nights, too much talk about feelings. Tonight there is no denying it, olivia is afraid that there is a monster in her closet and it wants to eat her. Since Chad is gone again tonight I was sorely tempted to let her sleep with me as requested, but I panicked that it was a slippery slope and instead pulled a trick out of every cartoon ever created. I told her that her doll was terrified too and she better stay and take care of her.

I am waiting for her to wander in here in two minutes and figure out that she AND the doll could sleep with me. Damn clever children with nothing but time on their hands to think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's right to be scared. A monster in the closet disembowled a kid down the street from us last week.

Who knew those things were real?