
Springing forward

Why am I up at 2 AM? Too much Spring in my step I guess. The time change really threw me off today. We have been so used to the snow and the grey and the cold that it was really disconcerting to have sunshine in the evening today and I think it must have thrown off my circadian rhythms. Also, I have undertaken a new project that is pretty all-consuming, I have started another blog. This one will be of interest only to my friends with kids because it is all of my books, music, activities, curriculum, etc for preschoolers.

It is called Mama in Beta and it is still in beta as it were. I am teaching myself HTML because I swore that this time around I would not be a slave to the Blogger template and I would have everything exactly the way I like it. However, I hate computer stuff. I can do it, I am a child of the digital age and am reasonably adept with software, but I just don't enjoy it. SO what is really happening is that I tinker and tinker and tinker, what I want doesn't happen, I yell and swear at the computer, my husband comes over and figures it out in half the time, get results and I move on to the next the whole time secretly resenting him and his completely wasted abilities. Why does a lawyer need to be able to write HTML? SO he can help his wife create a blog, apparently.

Anyway, it is a huge project that requires me to cull through my thousands of little clipped items, my excel sheets, book lists, old blog posts, and binders of xeroxed activities. Plus, I have been trying to stay on top of planning stuff for the kid. So it is probably good that I am doing this, it is forcing me to get more organized and it is a great excuse to fire up my new scanner that my father-in-law scavenged for me.

The best part is that once the blog is up and running I can clear out this blog of all kid related items and bring back funny stories and extensive critiques of reality tv (Top Chef is back next week!). My one year anniversary of this blog is nearly upon me and I would like to get back to my roots in time.

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